5 years ago
Random babblings from my world.
Despite the advice of everyone to stick to those in boxes...
No recipe shall defeat me!
Now I just need to convince the Duke to abide by the rule of eating them in ascending order of prettyness.
Prattled off by
Princess Pointful
1:31 AM
Organize my thoughts!: raves, sweet tooth
Awesome! Two days worth of cookies, even at a conservative pace.
From the pictures it looks like the cookie level was dropping from one pic to another.
You can't go wrong with adding the baking of sweet confections to your talent list.
Yay for cookies! They look very awesome and very yummy!
Those are adorable and I'm sure they're delicious too!
I take full credit for being your baking muse.
Just kidding. Sort of... :)
oooh looks delicious!
Damn, those look amazing.
I made cookies from scratch this weekend too! We both triumphed.
those look SO delicious! go you!
Yay! you did it! they look delicious and I really want one. :)
Man, everyone is posting about their cooking baking. I'm so jealous. I wish I took the time to bake. I'd rather just eat them though!
lol, love that rule. should be easy to enforce.
love the container too.
Those are so pretty. How could you possibly eat them? :)
You should send me about 15 of these. To feed an increasingly poor and hungry girl. I'll eat them, ugliest first.
WOOO! for You! You finally did it!!
I knew you wouldn't give up. They look sooo good. Can I have one? Just one, I'll have a snowman, please. :-)
You're a great cookie artist, by the way.
Well done!
And they all look delicious...
Ha! I totally know what you mean about eating the cookies in order. I'm glad we can bond over this shared insane trait friend! ;)
They look great! I knew you could do it...
And I have that rule too. :)
Love and light, m
Wow! I am in awe that you gave it another shot. I honestly don't believe I would have.
Those cookies are so cute!
Yayy! Lovely. These look delicious. I may have to bake some cookies today, now...
Sticky wicket, the "prettiness" factor. Who decides? What if a cookie's appeal is in the eye of the beholder?
I picture you arm-wrestling next to the jar.
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