Two birds? Meet my stone.
Today I fantasized about being a superhero.
But not your typical superhero, taking on epic crimes and injustices.
Rather, a more banal superhero, who takes on the more trite annoyances. Like making litterers eat their garbage.
You could call me the Anti-Vexation Vixen or something glamourous like that.
However, upon outlining all my vengeful acts upon my foes, I realized I was doing it again.
Being all ranty and negative.
And that will simply not do.
I don't like the tone of my blog lately, so, dammit, the real superhero thing to do would be to try and shift it!
But apparently I'm too focused upon somehow making the woman whose purse needs a seat more than the rest of the tired people carry a huge ice cream cake on the bus with nowhere to sit.
(Ha! Feel the slime drip down your pantsuit! Bet you wish you had a seat now, hey?)
So this is where you help, dear readers... by cheering me up and giving me a shift in focus!!
First things first...
Rumour has it that it is delurking week. I'm usually pretty at ease with the fact that I have at least a few secret readers-- at least, my sitemeter suggests it is so-- but, this time, I want some love!
*flutters eyelashes oh-so-appealingly*
Pretty please!

And, while you are there, why don't you ask me a question or three?
I've never done one of those interview posts before, but it may just be the thing to shift this out of a self-pity blog and into an exciting Princessful blog again.
So, go ahead, ask me anything... What do ya' wanna know??
Delurking. I comment once in awhile but most of the time don't. If you were a real superhero, not a vengeful one, what would your superpower be and why?
Hi, lovely! No lurking here :)
What was the best date you've ever been on?
I think you know me :-p
Since you are in dire need of some cheer, I'll let go of a secret for ya.
I've been blog crushing on you for months now!
*gasp* its out!!!
I'm horrible at lurking. Just plain horrible...
Since larissa asked what your BEST date was I want to know what your WOST date was... since we all know I'm obsessed with horrible dates and all :-)
Of course I'm here.
Who was the best teacher you ever had? Why?
um....I want to know....What is meanest thing you ever did to someone when you were in gradeschool?
Also, you could try starting a gratitude journal; I'm told those do a terrific job of turning your perspective around.
i think i might be a lurker. not sure. that probably means i read too many blogs.
hi anyway.
I'm not a lurker, but thought I'd leave some love anyway :)
I like your superhero idea! haha
Definitely not a lurked but just had to stop by and leave a little love!
Anti-Vexation Vixen. We loves it. Will you be wearing your undies outside of your superhero suit, too? For fun, you can draw your costume on MS Paint and post it, too. Yes, I am the height of maturity. Happy Delurking Day/Week!
Questions hmm? OK, what colour underw...
Oops, no, that's my other lurking persona (or is it just the same one, I get confused... :-) )
Not a lurker, just a newbie... (via 20sb)
Er question time... If you were forced to spend 30 days locked up in a room with only basic amenities, and you were allowed to take 3 non electrical items in with you, what would those 3 items be?
Delurking (I think for the first time...?). What is the most random snippet of conversation you've accidentally overheard?
I'm deffinately a lurker but I've delurked before. I believe I may be feeling the same form of "slump" as you, so I might steal some of these ideas. (probably not but some of them would be funny to write about)
In my attempts to drop a random topic out of my head for you, I've nearly come up with nothing. The most random thing I can think of, would be to create your own animal. Maybe think of it as a pet perhaps. The idea comes from Napoleon Dynamite. (at least that's where I'm taking it from) He created a Liger: half lion, half tiger. I will post my creation in the next few days.
I want to know why my cats are jerks.
I am crazy curious as to how you will answer that since you've never met them :)
Ooooh, I love these things. I do! I do!! hahaha
1) What's your Happy Song? The one that just brings a smile to your face no matter what mood you're in.
2) What's your biggest pet peeve?
3) If you had all the resources in the world, would you run for President? Why or why not?
I'm at a loss for questions on this hungover Saturday but couldn't read the post and not say hi!
I'm not really a lurker, but hi!
What's your best physical feature?
And my question is, what is the thing you like most about yourself?
I would love to be a super-hero of sorts.
And I'm technically not de-lurking as I've commented on almost every post you've written!
I once wrote a story about superheroes. It was fun and involved Britney Spears.
I do not lurk. But I say hi anyway. And What's your favorite stuffed animal, and do you ever still sleep with it?
I apparently am a lurker :) I like your blog though :)
Delurking. Hi! This may be my only comment as I prefer to remain a mystery wrapped in an enigma. And I can't think of funny and relevant stuff to write. So, uh, hi.
(Will still be lurking. Try not to be creeped out too much, k?) question for you:
why do you think the work 'lurking' has such a creepy/criminal in a dark alley connotation?
Hello, I'm a lurker. I've never spoken to you once, I don't think. What's the wildest thing anyone ever googled to find your page? More importantly, would you be interested in writing a story to match that querry?
Massively bored up here away from home. I'm on dial-up, so it took a half hour to load my page, and twenty minutes to load yours.
Partied hard core in Sarnia last night. Canadians really know how to tie one on! And the penny for your luck flew between the steel girders of the blue water bridge to plunge nine hundred feet down toward Lake Huron. It ususally works for us Michiganders!
I hope you are getting caught up on everything. And if you didn't rant here, where would you rant? This is what we are here for--to listen to you. Even your rants are clever and imaginative galore.
What celebrity do you hate the most?
It is me. I do not lurk. (Okay, those two sentences sounded weird, yes? Like, I was Yoda. Actually, Yoda would probably be more like 'I lurk not' or something. I can't be sure though, I've only seen one STar Wars movie.)
Let's see questions...
1. Favourite type of cookie?
2. Reason you most often give for cancelling plans?
3. Best memory with your sister?
I feel like I've been outed. I am a lurker by nature. You are a superstar of the highest order. A wondrous angel, a permanent delight, a joy, a redemption, a fulfillment, now I must retreat once again into the shadows from whence I once lurkeded.
i just found you tonight, but i don't want to be a
let's see,
favorite holiday treat, any holiday, any treat, GO.
Aw, and I was having so much fun lurking too. Oh well.
Coincidentally, I cut my hand on Thursday as well. I was transferring dishes from the sink to the dishwasher and jabbed my right index finger against a knife. Amazingly I was able to finish loading the dishwasher with my left hand while holding my right hand under running water.
Questions? I'll try to think of some when it's not 4:30AM and I'm sober...
PS. Although my own blog isn't linked from my Blogger profile, you can click here.
Questions: Your first Concert - What band/artist did you go see? Where, when and with whom?
Hello! I'm not a lurker nor do I have a question, but I hope you're having a happy Sunday.
[nerd alert]What is your area of research? [/nerd alert]
(Complete with fake tags!)
Ahhh, feel the love, girl, even your ranting is adorable!
I don't mind the rants, at all, in fact it makes me feel nice, you know to know there are more people like me...
Questions : what do you do (when you think) no one's looking?
OK. Question. Because it's not something we ever experience here.
Sometimes you must have been in wild Canada, miles from the nearest building.
How does that feel, does it scare you?
To you it must be a relatively normal concept.
Sorry. I hear 'superhero'. I think 'Tom Welling'. And I swoon.
I recently found your blog and enjoyed it so much I spent a nice hour or so avoiding work by reading your old posts back a month or so. I think I commented once so I don't know if that makes me an un-lurker (non-lurker?) But thought I'd drop some love anyway.
OOO how I do enjoy your blog.
and I like the idea of making litterers eat their trash. Brilliant.
i'm not a lurker but stopped by to say HI! :D
I like to think I'm not a lurker but sometimes I lurk. Sometimes.
I'm so sorry.
I would soooo sponsor your Anti-vexation superhero if that makes you feel any better :)
A question for you....No matter your skills or education, if given the opportunity, what job would you love to have? It can be as far out there as you want. Like, yoiu know, Anti-Vexation superhero :) Only you can't cheat and use that answer. Mwuahaha.
Been lurking for awhile.You bring a smile to my lips most days.I have you on as one of my faves!Have you read "The Secret"?
Well, this post was certainly effective in getting those lurkers to de-lurk!
No questions from me - but I'm looking forward to the post where you answer all the questions you did get. You've got your work cut out for you!
Hi, I'm La, not exactly delurking, but as a new reader, wondering how you came up with the name for your blog?
Oh hello there! My name is Cindy, but you knew that. So my question is, when will you be finished with school? Are you closer to the end of this hell than I am?
Do you think you could focus some of your superhero powers on my inconsiderate slob roommates? It would be ever so kind of you.
you are seriously so adorable.
i loved this post!
and seriously? could you be any more catchy/witty? i love it. love the scenarios you dream up for people who do these little crimes like litter and taking up extra seats with large purses! it's like dante's seven layers of hell ... but more applicable.
and hi. let's get married for real. you may have been joking when you suggested it in your comment but sorry. i'm running away with it.
also. i don't know if this question has been asked but it's one i've left on a few blogs now. if i said you could go anywhere in the world but you had to decide in the next 24 hours, where would it be and why? and to make things interesting, this would be the only "trip" you'd be able to take for one full year.
Is this a question?
I don't lurk. I'm just inconsistant.
hi! De-lurking here! (monty python voice) What is your quest?
I'm late for de-lurking! If you knew how anal I was about punctuality, you'd see this comment as the huge big deal it is.
Hell, if we were teenagers dating, this would be the equivilient of third base at least!
I like reading your blog because you bring an optimism to your life that is sadly lacking in my own and it gives me hope that one day I can feel the same way.
Ok fine! You found me via six degrees of blogging. I can run, but I can't hide. :) I should plan on coming up to see you. Can you tell me when it stops raining there in princessland? :)
ps, that WAS my question.
I want to know why some people say banal like "BAY-null rhyming with anal" when clearly the proper pronunciation is bann-AL rhyming with canal.
See? Singleton agrees: rant all you want, we'll read more.
And in answer to your comment, yes, no matter where or when you comment or even if you were just to read silently along, you're still number one. ;)
sweet dreams to you, royal one.
Is it strange that I am not bothered about who is 'lurking'.
Does that make me the kind of person who gets undressed witht he curtains open and never bothers to see if anyone is watching?
I'm hardly a lurker, but I've definitely been MIA for awhile!
Honestly, I wouldn't get so down on yourself for being cranky lately. We all go through periods where Every. Little. Thing. annoys the living crap out of us... Just ride it out and I'm sure you'll be back to your princesstastic self in no time :)
As for a question, hmmm...
Okay, I'm totally ripping off a tv show here, but... "What would you rather be? A flying fish or a penguin?"
(bonus points if you know what show I ripped off :) )
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