Friday, October 17, 2008

Mrs. Neocitran

One of my favourite critiques of same-sex marriages is that it will open the door to all sorts of heathen unions, such as people marrying their pet iguanas or their dead uncle. At the moment, I am wondering about the legality of marrying, or at least entering into a platonic life bond, with Neocitran.

Googling this delicious nectar informed me that it is apparently a Canadian exclusive. In a nutshell, it is medication for pretty much any possibly linked cold symptom in a tangy pseudo-lemon flavoured beverage. It is warm and makes you feel fuzzy and perhaps a little loopy.

But I swear the loopiness has nothing to do with the wedding proposal.

So, yes, your Princess is hermitting tonight. The rapsy throat, stuffiness, and heavy head have reared their ugly faces, and I know from experience that more usually follows. It probably didn't help that my job is woefully understaffed and I have been running around far too similarly to a madwoman for something that is only *supposed* to take up 12 hours of my week. Oh, and the lack of sleep thing.

If there's one thing that illness brings on in me other than pressured temples, it is short-term future-based anxiety. All I can think is "This cancellation of my Friday plans must have appeased you, cold demon, as I really, really need you out of my system by Monday, because I have that morning assessment, and Tuesday we are finally training new staff and appointments are backed up for months so I don't know what they would do if I call in sick, and I have to make the decision to call in sick a few days before when I don't know if I will be better or worse by then and... and... and..."

*cue my head exploding*

Ruminating is good for your health, yes?

As hopefully is cold pizza in bed. 


Anonymous said...

Dan Savage went to get a marriage license in Seattle with a lesbian coworker of his. He told the man there that he and his coworker were both gay, did not love each other, were planning on living separately and continuing to have sex with members of their same sex, and would never have children. he then said, "can we get married?" to which the guy replied, "sure, if you got $55."

then he asked if he could marry his partner with whom he had lived for 11 years, and was committed to completely, with whom he had an adopted son, to which the guy replied, "sorry, no."

that's what is so ridiculous about the illegality of gay marriage in the US.

Anonymous said...

Hmph. And here I thought we were getting married after the border patrol assumed we were having a lesbian rendezvous.

Feel better! I'm currently embroiled in a bitter battle with my lungs for possession of my body.

Rachel said...

I know how you feel. When you need something to make you feel better and you find it....well that can inspire some true love. I've contipliated a few proposals to a Big Mac when I was pregnant.

Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

If I could marry anything, it would be my guitar. Or a pen.

They are both tools that are always there for me when I need them and they always accept my hardest scribbling or softest strumming wihout judgment or complaint.

This makes me think I am useless at compromise.

lissa said...

hi! :) sorry i haven't been around. missed you.

that sucks that you're feeling sick. i felt really sick for a few days but randomly yoga and lots of zinc helped me out but i'm getting the flu shot on monday (work's forcing me). ahhh i'll probably get sick all over again.

Abbey said...

You could always go the route of the American's and just live together long enough that it's considered a common-law marriage or you could do as we do in the military and just go the 'don't ask, don't tell' approach.

Yoda said...

Whoa! I read that as Mrs. Necrotran and had a few flashes of freakishness.

Glad that's not the case, and GET WELL SOON!

Brett said...

1/2 bottle of Vodka, my cure for all my ills.

Crushed said...

Hot milk and honey with a couple of shots of whisky...

Trust me, it works a treat.

Though whether it will ever make marriages of any type seem sensible remains to be seen...

The Serial Monogamist said...

See, now I have to oppose gay marriages because no one should hook up with flu medication. Antibiotics, now they are okay.

Lauren said...

Yes, I need to move to Canada and get that stuff. It sounds fantastic.

Also, feel better!

Kayleigh said...

ahhh! feel better, ms. pointful!! and i'm very jealous about this mystery medicine that sounds so glorious. next time i have flu-like symptoms, i'm calling canada.

Katelin said...

hope you're feeling better by now!

Salt City Mistress said...

I'm so sorry you have a cold, hopefully it wasn't me who passed it on...well it couldn't be me because mine is still here and messing with my head!

Get well soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh sweetie I hope that you feel better soon! Too bad you can't get your hands on some of that stuff and at least have a little in there!

Larissa said...

I'd marry the chocolate ice cream in the freezer if I could. Feel better!

Mrs4444 said...

Hope you're feeling better now...