Friday, January 9, 2009

Princesses, squared: My interview by the Princess of the Universe

So, a little ways back, my lovely cohort in royalty, the Princess of the Universe (who also sends me dried fish and chocolate-- true story) made a tempting offer-- to interview her readers in five questions. 

My answers are below, but first, if you would like to play, these are the rules... 

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions. (note-- I can't guarantee original questions for all. Depends how much caffeine I have drank that day. Or how lame of questions you will tolerate- e.g., what's your favourite number?)
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Without further ado, la Princesse asked me....

1. Have you ever been to Winnipeg? And seriously, what do other people in Canada say about us? Are we at least cooler than Regina? Or Guelph? C'mon, we HAVE to be cooler than Guelph!

I have in fact been to Winnipeg. When I graduated high school, I won (and I use that term loosely) 30 days free Greyhound travel across Canada for two, and a bunch of nights stay at hostels. So, my sister and I set on a sibling-bonding trip across our very, very vast country to see our father's neglected side of the family.

Spoiler: The Greyhound sucks. And it eats luggage.

Stop one on our way was Winnipeg, only about 36 or so hours in. We stayed for a night. I remember very little except a bridge, a bunk bed, finally getting to shower, and drinking bubble tea for the first time. Honestly, I didn't form much of an impression from what I saw, as I was there for less than 24 hours. 

But my friend from Winnipeg raves about how much fun she had living there. Apparently it is more cultured than people realize, with a much more laid back attitude than some other cities.

Without stepping on anyone's toes, it *was* prettier than Hamilton, at least!

Oh, and one more Winnipeg memory? When we were waiting in the bus depot to leave, I left to buy a bottle of water, and came back to the sleaziest guy in the planet hitting on my 15-year old sister. He was from Winnipeg and inexplicably hanging out at the bus depot. When she told him she had a boyfriend, his response (and I quote) was "Fuck him, I have a bigger dick than him anyhow."


The Winnipeg Jets were awesome, though.

2. I have a little soft spot in my heart for Freud, because I took a Topics course on the guy. What are your thoughts? Genius? Depraved?

My favourite quote of Freud's is "I was pass over all the details which showed how utterly correct I was" (from his famous Dora case study).
So egomaniacal? Yes, to say the least.

Honestly, though, despite the current views that the guy was full of it (and it does tend to be a bit of a knee jerk reaction when you hear about penis envy), he was a genius. So many of his ideas were so phenomenal, considering how far they were from the paradigm of the day-- where would modern psychology be without concepts like defense mechanisms or the unconscious? I think we tend to ignore those, and focus on the more kooky stuff that seems so over the top and misogynistic now.

I recommend that everyone with an interest in psychology read some of his case studies. Whether you believe his conclusions or not, they are hugely fascinating, as he weaves these amazing poetic linkages between dreams, body language and word choices to come up with this amazing picture of a person at their core. He may be completely out of left field, but you almost want to believe him.

3. The Tragically Hip: Best Canadian band ever, or WAY over-rated?

For those of you non-Canucks out there, the Tragically Hip are one of Canada's pride and joys. We like the fact that they haven't really been discovered by the rest of the world, that they sell out stadiums here but barely sell out bars south of the border, that they seem like good humble non-Hollywood Prairie boys.

I'm going to go in the middle for this one. They've certainly got some catchy tunes sprinkled across their musical career, and I don't complain when someone puts their CD on. But I also don't own more than a few of their songs, and find some of their stuff a little underwhelming.

Besides, any true Canadian knows that the best Canadian band ever is Loverboy.

4. Starbucks or Tim's? And if Starbucks- do you understand how to speak their language? Cause I totally have a blog post I keep meaning to write about the humiliating day when I had the nerve to order a "medium" hot chocolate...

Again, a bit of Canadiana-- Tim Horton's is our favourite coffee and donut place, named after a hockey player, and apparently holding 62% of the Canadian coffee market.

There's a time and place for both. Road trips are Timmy's all the way, as is any early morning camping/sporting excursion. But coffee breaks and sit down dates are Starbucks.

I will certainly take a double/double over Starbucks' gut rotting coffee though. That stuff rips the enamel off my teeth. Starbucks is only for multi-word orders, not just plain coffee.

But I have been known to order a non-fat sugar free Vanilla latte. But I swear I don't tell them how I like my foam.

5. Hot vacation or Europe? Discuss.

For just a week or so, I'll go hot vacation. Anything much longer, though, and I'll go Europe all the way.

I am the stir crazy type. I can take about one lazy day of sitting in my PJs, and then I begin to get jumpy. I figure that could be prolonged somewhat if you slapped some sunscreen on me and put a marguarita in hand, but mostly, I like doing things. I love exploring new places with nothing but a vague agenda, and taking time out to people watch. Europe seems like the perfect place for that, as there would be so much to keep me stimulated. I can't even conceive of the notion of so much culture packed into such a small place... 


We're venturing into horn-tooting territory, I'm afraid.

The nominations for the 20-something Bootleg Awards have come out, and despite my insistences that I am in no way cool, I have been nominated for a few (most distinct voice, most sincere, best commenter-- ironic considering my Google Reader is still guilt-tripping the crap out of me, and best title). Umm... Now What has also been nominated for best group blog.

Proof I'm not cool? I can't play this smooth. I'm tickled pink and I can't tell anyone in my real life (though I may have whispered it into the Duke's ear as he was waking up because I'm lame like that), so I'm telling you guys.
Last year, when I was nominated, I decided that I wouldn't create a big hullabaloo and tell people to vote. Last year I also went 0 for 3. So, you know what? I'm going to be honest, and tell you all that it would be really sweet, if you are a member of 20-something bloggers, you did vote. There's a lot of amazing people up for awards, so show some love!


Matt said...

I heard Freud did alot of coke.

I'm not sure if thats true or not...but I'm thinking it is.

Bipolar Brit! said...

Interview me!

Arielle said...

I've been reading this meme all over the place and was debating whether to participate. But..why not? Interview me! =) (PS I hate Greyhound).

Anonymous said...

There's no reason to act like you don't want to win an award, winning is fun dammit!

Anonymous said...

I think it's wonderful you were nominated. And I'm glad you're able to tell us, even if you can't tell anyone in real life.

I've even more glad you decided to put it at the bottom of a real post. :)

Oh and I totally voted for you :)

Mandy said...

Those were great questions!! I would chose Tim Hortons over Starbucks any day (and often do!).

Ant said...

Interesting about the coffee. I seem to recall our chat about Starbucks when I ordered a "normal" cup of grit with water in it, and you ordered a skinny fatty double mocha choca hocha half-caf blah blah...

Since christmas I have joined in the pretentious wankery that is Nespresso, and have a blog post brewing about such.

In the meantime however, you're welcome to interview me. It's been a while since I done a meme.

Rosemary/sonrie said...

you can interview me...

Brett said...

I love reading your posts, well done on getting those nominations you really should win.

Crushed said...

You'd have a date in Starbycks?

Now THAT's Canadiana, the fact people would meet in a coffee shop.

Here 'dates' are ALWAYs pubs.

Essentially Me said...

I always found these interviews to be quite interesting (esp. since the questions are geared towards the person writing -- unique). I always wanted to say "interview me!" but never thought I'd come across someone I'd actually like to inteview me. Until now. So INTERVIEW ME. I've noticed the other requests so there is no rush. :)

Babs said...

fun! interview me, pleeeeeeease

Who? Me? said...

Ok...this will be interview #2. But I still want to play :)

p.s. I'll take Europe over hot vacation.

Anonymous said...

I'm compelled to say Interview me, just to see what your questions are. :)

But but but. At least the Greyhound bus you took back then wasn't the one we took where we met the dude in front of us who met us for Korean barbecue and thoroughly confused both of us!

So@24 said...

These blogger awards are intense.

I'm hiding under my bed until it's over.

Andhari said...

ahhhh, can i get an interview?:)

Maxie said...

knowing that Winnipeg has bubble tea makes it and okay place in my book!

Therapeutic Ramblings said...

Interview me!!

Therapeutic Ramblings said...

Greyhound skeeves me the heck out.

KA said...

I think Freud was creative, but I do not think he's right either. I think his basic dichotomy of good/evil, love/destruction were right on the money though, but in a purely theoretic, philosophic sense. It's funny how philosophy and psychology have a slight over lap.

Essentially Me said...

Okay I take my interview me back. You've been bombarded.

EP said...

Congrats on your nom! And even though I'm not a Canadian, I love the Tragically Hip!

The Duchess said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Princess of the Universe said...

I'm impressed that anyone is willing to touch Greyhound at all anymore after this past summer.
Come to Winnipeg again- I'll show you a fabulous time!

Oh, and Matt- I think back when Freud was a neuro surgeon, he used cocaine medically - back then it wasn't quite as illict as it is now.

Therapeutic Ramblings said...

In Freud's defense, cocaine has medical uses....though it has a bad connotation because of the recreational abuse. The guy was also brilliant...far from 100% correct, but a forward thinker.

Caz said...

You have officially made me miss Timmy's. Do you think it'd still be warm if you mailed me some? haha

Jocelyn said...

I'm so amazed by the excellence of these questions--they're great.

Of course, I totally expected the excellence of the answers.

Anonymous said...

i totally agree with the tims/starbucks distinction!

do you like sloan?

what say you to a potential visit from me during les olympics???

the frog princess said...

I know nothing about Tim's, but I agree that Starbuck's is only for multi-word orders. Their regular coffee (even the beans you buy to brew yourself) is repulsive.

And I believe the technical term for "non-fat, sugar free" is "skinny." Not that, you know, I've ever used it... :)

Anonymous said...

I know that this is super late, but I'm just now catching up on my blogs. I know, I'm bad. But I would like for you to interview me. Maybe this will help me out of my blog posting slump :) But no rush, as I know you're a busy lady. Anytime is fine!