Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Quote of the day (or the one in which I realize I am nearing spinsterhood)

"You should stop this nonsense and get yourself married."

- Comment with regards to my professional life heard today


Brett said...

A bit harsh

Yoda said...

Someone called your research nonsense and lived to tell the tale?

Ohhh boyyy!

Eleni Zoe said...

Did you punch them? I would have punched them.

Andhari said...

d seriously kick anyone who says that to me.

Unknown said...

It happens to almost all PhD people at some time or another. For guys it tends to be more along the lines of "why don't you stop all that nonsense and get a real job?" At least it was 30+ years ago when I got my PhD. Just ignore the naysayers (or kill them if so inclined) and do what *you* know is best.

Essentially Me said...

So let me get this straight ...

Your career and education = nonsense??


Anonymous said...

oh grrr, hope you arent too mad :)

Anonymous said...

Seriously? As someone who intends to works towards their phD in English, this pissed me off and it wasn't even directed towards me.

I'm sorry.

Princess Pointful said...

I find it more comical than anything that people still say such archaic things!
At least he didn't say "You're not getting any younger" or referred to anything about my cat lady destiny!

Mandy said...

What? Thats just crazy.

(and I would have punched them)

dmb5_libra said...

because having an education (and an opportunity not afforded to most women in the world) is pure nonesense....

don't you know? being married will complete you as a woman!

Anonymous said...

Wow. I wouldn't even know how to respond to that.

Therapeutic Ramblings said...

Last night a girl told me that if I joined a particular social group I'd meet someone from it and get married. To me it sounded like more of a threat, though I think she wants me to settle down.

Katelin said...

oy. i've actually heard something close to this too, haha. it's that marriage bug!

myself said...

Um has this person ever been married? Cuz it's really not always all that and a bag of chips, not enough that I'd want to force it on someone who doesn't want it yet...

KA said...

I've heard that too.... and i'm 22.