Saturday, January 20, 2007

Quotes of the Night

"For five dollars I'll stop imagining your girlfriend naked!" ~ Courtesy of a homeless guy

"The Baldwin brothers reproduce through spores!"

"No transportation of manstitutes via elevator!"

"You should give him a flying kick split to the head."

"You know why I never eat egg salad sandwiches? Because they're fucking disgusting, that's why!" (it was a profound revelation for me)

I had a rather lovely evening of thai food (eaten out of a pineapple shell- brilliant!), Paralyzers, and conversation with an old friend visiting. By virtue of working in a windowless lab together for two years, we had developed a disgusting number of inside jokes, half of which had remained dormant since I moved. It didn't take long for us to regress into utter fools, however, and rapidly rediscover these absurdities.

A few more memorable discussions included the supreme coolness of Denny's hubcaps, why "Stacy's Mom" should not be playing in any venue for at least five more years (it needs time to develop true kitsch value!), wondering whether the owner's of Griffin's jewelry really knew what bad asses griffins were, and how we should develop a creepy line of male yoga pants (Lewis Lemon!). Oh, and also deeper stuff like how university was entrenching us with cliches rather than real knowledge and his upcoming marriage. Good times!


L said...

I vote that Homeless guy for Prime Minister!

Ant said...

Did you pay him the five dollars?

Princess Pointful said...

His party platform would be "Vote for me and I'll stop imagining sleeping with your wives and daughters!"

Ant, no, my friend refused to pay. He said since I wasn't actually his girlfriend, he didn't need to defend my honour. And, besides, I sort of liked the attention!