5 years ago
Random babblings from my world.
I have a hickey!
I actually thought your neck cell structure changed once you graduate from high school so that such things aren't possible anymore. Apparently I was wrong.
This is somehow fitting, given my past post ... what would you do if you noticed your therapist had a hickey?
Prattled off by
Princess Pointful
11:02 AM
Organize my thoughts!: foolishness
PS. That is not actually my neck!
Ask for a non freudian based happy ending?
It's no fun if it's not Freudian!
Believe it or not, my ethics course has led me to learn that I would have to decline such an offer...
PS, I love you both!
Neck sucking manwhore is still appropriate, given the circumstances! He isn't quite as skilled as the hickey giver from that picture, though... mine is hardly as symmetrical.
PS. Lots of love back! *mwaaa*
Depends why I'm in therapy. If I was trying to cure some kind of sex addiction, I'd think "Hot dawg! You gettin' some frisky action sexy therapist lady". Then I'd try and sleep with you...
If I was in there to combat depression or something then I'd probably think "Sigh, everyone is getting laid except me..." then go and get horrendously drunk and try to find the nearest tall bridge...
If I was combating, say, workaholism, I'd wonder about the efficiency of the hickey generation, and would try to advise on ways to improve the process whilst maintaining reasonable overheads in time and resource usage...
Ant... Unfortunately, none of those are particularly great therapeutic goals.
My conclusion, based on such solid empirical evidence, is that hickeys are not conducive to good interventions.
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