Thursday, May 10, 2007

Quote of the day

"I will pass over the details which showed how entirely correct all of this was..."

- Sigmund Freud, in "Fragment of an Analysis of a Case of Hysteria" (aka. the case study of Dora)

The pop culture view of Freud tends to be more than a little dichotimized. These days it seems to swing more towards sex crazed lunatic than god of the unconscious. While reading his case studies is utterly fascinating, and I think it is premature and naive to throw out the immensely valuable baby (e.g., defense mechanisms) with the stale bathwater (e.g., penis envy), I had to giggle when reading this, as quotes like this make it clear where that cigar puffing narcissistic stereotype came from!


Ant said...

Nothing like a bit of swaggering arrogance to raise a smile... :o)

Airam said...

Ha! Talk about a cop out!

Beth said...

Ah, such confidence, such certainty - such a massive ego!

Unknown said...

I don't think it's all that surprising that modern psychology came about thanks to the work of a complete oddball like Freud.

Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

His ego ain't that big...

Anonymous said...

lol. can i use that quote at my defense at the end of the month?

Indiana James said...

It's fun using lines like this at work. Mind you, some of the people I deal with can't really ever appreciate something like that, but at I least I get a laugh out of it. :)

Princess Pointful said...

Ant- I will I could pull it off. I think you need a European accent to do it properly!

Airam- Yet he gets away with it...

Beth- If anyone knows about egos, it would be him!

Dorky Dad- I'm not too sure what you are implying, sir!

Ultra- As compared to what?

Zelda- Ha! That would be bloody brilliant! Even better if you had an excuse to tie your material back to Freud!

Indy J- You are officially my hero if you can work Freud into your job, in particular!