Sunday, June 21, 2009

The past month

Things I've learned over a month without blogging...

Not writing down every spare thought really does make for a lot more free time.

I'm most tempted to break my self-imposed no blogging rule when I've been drinking.

I get a lot fewer emails.

I worry about my first *real* post back, and that I will forget how to write.

I also worry that if I don't write a little update every now and then, I may disappear into a deep dark internet wasteland, along with chat rooms, my old MySpace account and other things that used to be semi-cool.

I miss random people at random times. Out of the blue, I will wonder what one of you is up to.

I need to use the thesaurus a lot more when I do write something. It's like my brain has already stopped remembering the more poetic synonyms.


I'm still away. I just felt the need to cheat and say hello.


Andhari said...

Glad you're back for a bit although you're still away, hope everything is going alright woth you :)

Ant said...

This reads a bit like one of those addiction-help monologues - which is possibly appropriate, as that's how I felt when I began weaning myself off the blog.

My name's Ant and I'm a blogaholic.

*Room applauds*

Matt said...

You miss me don't you?

Well I've missed you too.

Jenn said...

I can quit blogging anytime I want! I can't :(

Anonymous said...

We miss you, Princess!

miss. chief said...

i hope that this break is good for you because it sucks for your readers

Unknown said...

Hi back!And don't worry too much about the 'comeback'post we'll just be happy to have you back.

Kat Argonza said...

Hello! And we miss you too!

B said...

you? are missed.

Princess of the Universe said...

Definitely miss you honey!

Anonymous said...

YAY! You're back! at least for a little....

come back soon? I miss you!

Rosemary/sonrie said...

good to hear back from you...

rachaelgking said...

Cheat away, my darling. Good to hear from you. *waves*

Katelin said...

yay for cheating. and hello! we've missed you :)

Therapeutic Ramblings said...

PP, I'm on twitter, so you don't need to wonder anymore! :D

KMcJoseph said...

I need to drink more.

Larissa said...

If you drunk-blog one night, that will be fine by me! Good to hear from you :)

Lauren said...

Hi back :)

Michelle Fluttering Butterflies said...

Oh I know how you feel.

EF said...

hello. no rush- it seems it's summer for many!

Joy @ BigTimeFancy said...

Hello. :) Hope all is well with you.

Anonymous said...

a drunk post would be good by me.

just sayin'.

P said...

Hello to you too!!!!

Please come back, PP! We miss you!!!

brandyismagic said...

I'm glad you cheated- I was just thinking of you the other day and wondering how you were doing. Glad to hear you are well!!

Living Dees Life said...


**waves frantically**

its good to "hear" from you!!

Melissa said...

It's been more than a year since I last blogged thanks to very limited internet access.. I just hope my blog doesn't disappear into that deep dark internet wasteland, that you're talkin about..