Monday, August 10, 2009

And then he told her he loved her in Lord of The Rings

The scene: At a pub with the Duke and a single male friend of his, who we will hereby refer to as Alex. We have just exchanged a few words with two women at the table to the right, one of whom Alex finds rather fetching.

Alex: That girl kind of reminds me of the guy from The Matrix.

The Duke: Who, Keanu Reeves?

Alex: No, the other guy.

Me: Lawrence Fishburne?

Alex: No, you know, the Agent Smith guy.

Me: She reminds you of Hugo Weaving?!?!

Alex: Yeah!

The Duke: Dude, I hope this is something you already know, but seriously, don't ever, ever tell a girl that she looks like Hugo Weaving.


B said...

Well..that's an interesting comparison...

Sarah Von Bargen said...

Ahahahaha! I once dated a guy that had previously told a girlfriend that she had "sturdy ankles." ?!

Jess said...

I think this says more about him than it does about the girl. My my.

Anonymous said...

oh. my. lord.

i'm actually cracking up at work right now. thanks. =P

P said...

Hmmm. He has odd taste in women, clearly...

Ronnica said...

Wow...what a flattering comparison.

Katelin said...

hahaha hopefully he kept his mouth shut.

Katana said...

... wow, thats... not really a compliment is it?

Abbey said...

So you're saying Alex is gay? I'm not judging or anything...I'm just saying.

Oh. And totally looked up who Hugo was. That was awful. Poor girl.

Bayjb said...

OH my gosh. These silly boys. Yeah being told I look like Hugo Weaving would NOT be hot.

Hey I got a new blog design now that you're back :)

AND a domain!

Michelle Fluttering Butterflies said...


Ant said...


"Mister Anderson!"

Back in my temping days, I used to work with a voluptuous young lady whose legs, body and lustrous blonde hair were the impure fantasies of every red-blooded male in the place (myself included). However, when pressed by my colleagues on which celebrity I thought she most resembled, I was forced to conclude: Leonardo DiCaprio.

Everybody murmured agreement in a "oh yeaaah..." kind of way, and I think it successfully torpedoed a lot of the fantasies previously mentioned. It certainly weirded me out a bit and made me pause for a lot of thought before hitting on her...

Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

And don't ever tell Hugo Weaving he looks like a girl.

imfb said...

Wow... Not even sure what someone would say to that...

Andhari said...

TOO TRUEEE! LOL especially if she's drunk and holding a beer bottle and tend to get violent :P

Kendall said...

Considering the yaoi fangirls in the Matrix fandom (look up the term Foe Yay), some might not see it as that bad if they really think about it.

God how I wish I were making that up.

Larissa said...

I suppose that's better than comparing her to an orc.

Roshan said...

Ha, I bet Hugo must be flattered. A girl looking like Hugo Weaving! But hey, I know a woman who looks a lot like Winston Churchill! And no, that's in no way a compliment!