Things I know that I didn't want to know, thanks to Facebook
Apparently my cousin got her, and I quote, "pussy pierced".
Apparently it initially hurt really badly.
Apparently it will be back and ready for action in 2 weeks.
Apparently it looks great.
Not only do I now know more about my cousin's genitals than I ever hoped to, but so do the rest of her Facebook friends, her aunt, her brother, and her mother.
Oh yes, and her grandmother.
TMI is a vast understatement at this moment in time.
Glad I'm not the only klassy one around here.
HAHA OMG wow. That's all I can say...
eeewww. I'm all for self-expression, blah blah blah but that's just too much. apparently cousin doesn't know that you can CHOOSE who sees your status and who doesn't.
Privacy is dead.
Haha! Awesome.
Can she perhaps put some sort of radio transceiver into the piercing so we can get regular status updates?
"Uh oh, bit yeasty..." etc.
Hahahahahahaha! Just be glad she didn't post pictures... did she?
Another reason for why Facebook is just plain shite.
And now we all know about it too!!!
(And "ew" @ Ant's comment...)
Its why none of my family can be found on my Facebook. I like to keep a degree of separation.
Holy crap that is hilarious. Seriously. Gotta love Facebook
I have no words for that. Sometimes people amaze me.
Wow, I suspect nothing is held back at the thanksgiving dinner convo.
haha wow, that is definitely too much to be sharing on facebook, yikes.
Wow. Just wow. That definitely does fit into TMI. That's why you should never be friends with your family online. Bad things happen.
two weeks? i have trouble even saying pussy... that reminds me actually of a story where a friend of mine got confused about how to pronounce the heteronyms 'pussy' and 'pussy'... she gets them confused fairly frequently come to think of it. hinjinks might ensue if your sis doesn't look after her new cybernetic enhancement well enough.
Wow that's some overshare there.
Think about the awesome/cringe-worthy conversations you can have at the next family reunion!!
She got her....what pierced? Man that must have hurt like a ..... Make sure the grandmother is ok! I would have had a heart attack!
That's the funniest thing I've heard all day!
okay im having a pretty bad day and this just made me crack up!!
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