5 years ago
Random babblings from my world.
If you saw this, what would you think it was?
a. Part of your broom caught in the broom closet door
b. A giant mutant spider come to greet you in your new apartment?
If you answered a, congratulations, you are a rational human being!
If you answered b, welcome to my club!
Prattled off by
Princess Pointful
12:18 PM
Organize my thoughts!: foolishness, through my lens
I'm in your club. I thought it was those "feeler" things on some large insect.
(But then, I already knew I wasn't a particularly rational human being. How boring would that be?)
I'm in your club too.
Giant Spider!! Run! Run for your life!
Erm...I think I'm WAY abnormal. First thing I thought of was "Isn't that corner really dusty"...
...I didn't think "Spider" at all, because if I did then I'd scream like a schoolgirl, and that isn't good for my image.
Do I get some kind of badge or certificate?
Living in Florida - I totally guessed a roach. :) The broom totally would have gotten bug sprayed.
Oh man, I am right there in that club. With the way my crappy house is taken care of by the landlady, it probably would be a spider. Blech!
Toast... apparently you, despite being a grown man in cardboard, are the only one here fitting in the rational human being club.
How does it feel up there on your pedestal? ;)
So this is the root of the giant mutant spider myth. I love seeing the evolution of myths... Or should I call it the genesis of a myth, as you and holy roller Mike Huckabee have so dutifully pointed out to me that evolution is a half-cocked, hair brained idea...
If that asshole or Mit Romney ever become president, you may well see another civil war in this country. But it sucks for us on the proper thinking side of things, as Christian zealots in all ages have proven to be just as willing and capable of atrocity as and Hitler or Stalin, and they sleep at night saying "God wills it!" after each bloodbath they have ever perpetrated.
And you are still number one! Your dedication is to be commended, my friend.
Google reader at 150?? Yikes! I hover between zero and ten... But you have been getting around. The wordpress girls love you like a goddess. You have fans everywhere who adore your style--in life and in writing. You are one of the top read blogs I know. Corky had best watch out! So should Enemy. They get a lot of comments, but they answer people back all the time on their blog, inflating that total.
And your prose is superior to anyone's. Add that to the way one can imagine your voice behind the words and it's a potent sum, indeed.
Welcome to the fabulous category. Not that I should welcome you to something I'm not a part of. Unless you rank poetry blogs. I have never seen a poetry blog that gets more than a handful of responses, and I read a few. Singleton of course has tons of readers. Have you ever read her poems at the Justgivemepeace blog? That was my first introduction to her. I was floored by that smooth rolling style of hers.
Anyway, it might be my effervescent personality drawing so many to my page... my talent rides shotgun to my motormouth to finger coordination! (I should patent that statement)
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