Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I usually have a post more or less lined up in my head before I start writing, a few choice lines on repeat in my head. This is especially true after I return home for the holidays, as I write less when I'm home, partially for practical reasons, but it feels as though I think more.

Today, however, I woke up feeling exhausted, despite it being my first night back in my bed with a warm body beside me, despite the sun peeking through the blinds, despite the fact that it is New Years Eve, the day of champagne and optimism. And I'm hoping that perhaps the tapping of my fingers on the keys, pouring my thoughts out in some random fashion, may be a little soothing.

Ever since I moved to the city at 19, I've looked forward to going home for the holidays fiercely when the calendar strikes November. It could be both nostalgia and relationships, as I consider myself very close to my family, and people from small towns often end up scattered about, with the holidays being the only magnet that brings them back consistently. These days back in my old bed used to flow by with ease, as though no matter how busy I was, it never tired me out.

However, these past two years, going home has left me exhausted. This is not to say there aren't still tender moments and laughter, but just that these moments have been paired with more heavyness than I'm used to. Last year, my credit card was stolen, and my travel plans tossed about due to many cancelled planes. This year, my computer broke, and my travel curse continued, with many delays on the way to my destination, and being stranded for several extra days on the way back, with every plausible back-up plan seeming to crumble, leaving me up until three in the morning shooting off desperate emails.

This bad luck just seems to frame the rest of the interpersonal weight of this past week and a half. I feel like I've had too many revelations about people to count, and I just can't process it all. 

My sister is dating her boss, who is 12 years older than her, and is taking her to Mexico for her Christmas gift after a month of dating. Yes, for those of you who have read a few months back, this means she has split up again with her ex who was trying to buy a place in HomeTown to be close to her- they ended in the beginning of November.

My mother is, of course, wonderfully supportive of this, and looks at me as though I am the anti-Christ when I suggest there could be some ethical dilemmas in dating your boss. My father says nothing. 

Despite my mother's unconditional support of every single one of my sister's decisions, she feels she can comment on miniscule areas of my life with authority-- like the fact that my boyfriend is not comfortable (in the future!!) getting an engagement ring made by the same family friend who made the failed engagement ring for my sister's now ex-boyfriend, which is apparently near catastrophic, especially when sitting next to my sister's choices.

My sister has also shown me that I am relatively low on her priority list. I found out that she was not coming to spend New Years with me, as planned for months, by her talking with her new boyfriend about their New Years plans. She got very ill on Christmas day, and told me she would not be able to drive me home and spend the few days with me before New Years as planned for the 28th. By the 27th, she was dressed and out with the boyfriend, and I was still without a way to get home. She barely even asked what my plans were, and made no offer to help me out as another and another ride home fell through. 

My grandparents are falling apart before my very eyes. My grandfather used to be robust, loud, bold, and now he looks so very frail. My grandmother doesn't remember five minutes ago, doesn't remember my boyfriend despite having met him four times, and I am so afraid that by the time I go home next, I will be lost in the very same black pools.

I ran into The Ex's best friend while I was home, and the first thing he said to me is the last thing I wanted to hear: "Man, TheEx needs you more than ever right now."

TG and C are doing badly, and I have come to the revelations that the man I used to think was this wonderful troubled genius is just a straight up dirt bag. He treats her poorly, takes her for granted, says cruel things under the guise of jokes, is horrible with money, and even has a child in a nearby town he has never bothered seeing. And I used to utterly adore this man. 
Plus, I'm not sure what my relationship with TG should be amidst all this. She's hurt me so many times, yet I feel so angry at how she is being mistreated right now. I feel like I can't tell her to leave, though, as no one thinks I am objective in this situations. I'm scared of being accused of ulterior motives when all I want is for my friend to be treated well.

I just want my head to fucking stop for a minute, to slow down, to relax, to stop processing all this stuff. I want my memories of these holidays to be about the four batches of butter tarts I made, about trudging through the snow with my camera, about apple cider, about moments with old friends, about playing games with my family. I don't want them to be so heavy.


Mega said...

I hear you my FBBFF. Some things are beyond our control and we feel helpless and sad. But perk up, hugs.

Anonymous said...

hugs, lady.
i know what you mean in this post. here's hoping your sis will get her priorities straight for next year!

the frog princess said...


Sorry it's be a rough holiday... but the butter tarts and cider sound amazing! Keep those and the other bright moments close, and in a few years those will be the memories that really matter.

Happy New Year!

Who? Me? said...

Wow. That is a heavy holiday. I hope things get better in the new year. My grandpa has Alzheimer's so I understand what you're going through there. If you want to talk or vent, just drop me an email Here's to a better 2009!

Rosemary/sonrie said...

good luck...all this sounds very one of my professors once said, "Try to lean in to the discomfort." I hope that helps, and that things improve.

Happy New Year!

Tonya said...

it does seem that all these kinds of things happen at once. this is kind of why I never go home for the holidays. it just seems really stressful. but in any case, sorry to hear all of this.

B said...

sounds eerilie familiar to my own situation. circumstances are different, but the feelings are the same. I've tried writing a blog about it, oh... 5 times and I just can't seem to get the words out.

Mandy said...

I was introduced to butter tarts at a family wedding this past weekend and they are delicious!! I hope 2009 is an amazing year for you!!

Princess of the Universe said...

Oh honey, I have nothing to offer other than oceans of virtual highs and kisses...

Babs said...


ohhhh the baggage of being home...

P said...

dating one's boss tends to go one of two ways - either you're treated as a favourite or treated worse to show there's no favouritism. In my case, it was the latter. And I've been treated even worse since the split.

It's a shame no one apart from you seems to realise your sister should maybe think about what she is doing. I hope it all works out anyway...

The Serial Monogamist said...

Yeah, dating the boss is a disaster waiting to happen. But your father's silence surprised me as I figured he would take a side too.

Crushed said...

It is a bit of an ethical diemma dating your boss, yes.
Best avoided.

You seem to be stsarting New Year with a lot of worries.

Beth said...

Some ties to the past have to and should be broken...
As for family angst during holidays (and other occasions) - it remains. Thankfully, the good times usually outweigh the bad.
Best of luck and Happy New Year!

Bayjb said...

Holy cow your sister is dating her boss? Eeek. That must have been an interesting conversation.

Chris Benjamin said...

aw, man, that blows. sorry to hear your holidays were kind of a disaster. family can be such a pain in the arse. somehow i hope you find a way to let it go. many things you just can't control, sometimes better to focus on what you can, on your own self and hapiness. there's my two-cent advice, for whatever two-cents is worth in the new economy.

KA said...

Hmm, how the mighty have fallen, no? I'm not going to lie, after seeing my ex-husband for what he is instead of what I wanted to see (a talented genius under a slacker exterior) I'm a little sad.

At some point we all have to come to terms with the fact that some people we know have had the best time of their lives pass - they are/were as good as they will ever been and we have to make sure that we strive for continuous improvement in all aspects of our lives so that we don't fall into that same trap.

Mrs4444 said...

Sorry your visit home was not what you'd hoped for in terms of family politics. Makes staying home kind of attractive now, doesn't it? :)

K.Pete said...

That's a lot of stressful stuff going on! My heart goes out to you!

Laurie Stark said...

Growing up, man. It's the pits sometimes. I hear you.